You do not need to be a climate scientist to understand the
You do not need to be a scientist to understand the climate.
You only need to be able to add up.
The UN said sea level could rise 2 feet by 2100. James Hansen of NASA said over 10 feet. The rate at
the time was under a foot a century.
The UN official projection has temperatures increasing by 1.5-6C
by 2100.
Every past warm period in human history was called a climate
optimum as everything thrived, while there were mass starvations and
extinctions during the ice ages. Yet they tell us more warming will be a
Every 100,000 years is a short interglacial spike in temperature
which we are currently experiencing, but this one is blamed on CO2 while the
others were natural.
NASA changed their world temperatures over a decade after they'd
first measured them.
The UN erased hundreds of years of medieval warming overnight.
Trees absorb CO2 and give off oxygen, yet
businesses are cutting down forests for wind and solar farms.
Errors should always tend to zero as over and
under-estimates ought to cancel out. Temperature measurements over land have
always risen when corrected, although most were to correct for urban heat islands where thermometers are often located, This diagram was the compound of all local alterations which were nearly all the same as this.
Activists tell us many coastal areas will
soon be under water, yet businesses still build housing developments there and
are bought by millionaires who say they will soon be under water.
Why did the temperatures fall
consistently between 1940-1970 while CO2 was rising? Or show no relationship whatsoever with CO2 across history?
CO2 has always risen
after warming, apparently until we made it cause warming. Except the diagram
says it still rises after warming.
Every decade when they said the
It was called global
warming, yet the southern hemisphere is generally cooling.
The Arctic however seems to be holding its own although they keep saying it will be ice free.
Warming is supposed to
cause deserts to expand, yet they are actually shrinking as CO2 is making
plants grow more widely.
Although warming is supposed to cause
more hurricanes and other extreme events they haven't shown any increase since
it began recent warming.
Warming makes oceans
evaporate, which can either form humidity (warming) or clouds (cooling). It is
currently impossible to know, but we are told it will cause warming anyway.
Although sea level on
average has risen a foot since 1850, most photos of coastal areas haven't shown
any change from old photos to the present.
All activists tell us
warming will cause more extreme weather, although the UN itself says it
Although wildfires are
not even increasing, they are now blamed on 'climate change', despite being
proved to be caused mainly by not clearing fire breaks.
Many planets in the solar system are also
warming, yet ours is uniquely blamed on mankind.
It doesn’t add up
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