Thursday, 9 January 2020

Consequences of leftist policies

The left are the experts in presentation. Everything they do is in the name of ideals such as equality, fairness and inclusivity. But when they actually get into power whatever they say they are doing ends up in actual consequences which simply cause suffering. I have made a list here of what actually happens in society when these policies are actually carried out.

1) Travel restrictions. Like the Soviets, the first thing leftists do when gaining power is make it difficult for ordinary citizens to move around freely. Whatever the alleged cause ('safety', 'climate change' etc.), all they actually do is restrict movement for everyone and cause huge delays, and make it more expensive to do so through:

a) Road narrowing, humps and closures
b) Division of exisiting roads into bus and cycle lanes, which are usually very rarely actually used
c) Bans on certain types of car
d) Additional charges to drive in specific areas
e) Increases in fuel taxes, which make everything more expensive and hurt the poor the most.
f) Low speed limits, all they do is make people drive below the natural speed, check their speedometers constantly, and run cars which are not designed to be driven in low gears. They also show it has no effect at all on deaths and injuries as proved in Bristol who carried out a full scale test.

2) Liberal or unlimited immigration, causing

a) Overcrowding
b) Pressure on services such as surgeries and hospitals
c) Language difficulties, especially in communication by professionals such as doctors and nurses who can't understand their patients and may give the wrong treatment, and schools where teachers are forced to teach classes where hardly anyone speaks English
d) A glut of cheap unskilled labour
e) Few checks on criminals who continue their criminality in their new countries.
f) Almost impossible to build houses and find more land to do so to accommodate them.
g) Impossible to carry out long term economic plans as no one knows how many people will be here.

3) High taxation. This means

a) Once you earn more than a certain amount, often anything above the average salary, it is not really worth earning any more as you may only keep half of it or less.
b) People who do earn more leave the country
c) There is little incentive to start a business or career knowing you will not be able to keep the fruit of your labours
d) You will no longer be able to pass money on to your children as inheritance

4) Equality and diversity. These are tied up in immigration and high taxes, but also mean:

a) Minority groups hold disproportionate amounts of power
b) Family values are eroded at the cause of alternatives.
c) People are refused work and educational positions to make way for minorities
d) Laws are made to protect minorities at the expense of the majority who have to make allowances for religions and cultures with no connections to their own.

5) Energy policies. Climate change management has simply made life tougher for everyone except those companies who sell 'renewables' (these are normally the alleged 'big oil' and 'fossil fuel' companies they pretend oppose this, while in fact they are the same companies who simply provide energy in any ways which create a profit).

a) All energy prices rise (the Kyoto Protocol stated energy usage must be reduced), making the poor pay the most in proportion.
b) Thousands more people a year have died of cold as a direct result of this in Britain alone
c) Business have closed down when their vehicles have been banned and they can't afford to replace them.
d) Wind and solar panels use expensive foreign resources, last under 20 years, and are almost impossible to recycle.
e) Electric cars use batteries which run down over a period of years until the car needs a new one which costs many thousands of pounds. They are not free to run, owners pay for electricity and can never guarantee they will have a charging point when they need to recharge.

6) Economics. The mechanisms the left view as being behind economics mean people who make money simply take it from somewhere or someone else in the economy. Growth is not understood, or the concept of wealth creation or adding value, so they have policies which make these things very difficult.

a) As soon as people earn 'too much' it is returned to society.
b) Businesses doing well are seen as stealing this money, removing it from the economy, and not deserving of the wealth so have it removed.
c) Manipulating the market to allow failing businesses, products and individuals they approve of to do well.

7) Sociology. The left believe we are moulded by our environment, so treats humans as the same at birth with only their surroundings responsible for their differences. This means:

a) They will always try and force people unsuitable for educational and career positions into them, often preventing those actually suitable from taking up those places.
b) They fight any selective education, as they believe anyone can earn a PhD given the same conditions.
c) Rather than allow people to choose their own careers, set policies to direct everyone into the same areas on a quota basis.
d) Because society refuses to become equal voluntarily, carry out constant policies of social engineering to pay people to take up courses, change marking to favour disadvantaged groups, and force unsuitable people into positions they would never have managed under a free market.


Ultimately leftism is based on an ideology, and one which when it does not correspond with society, simply tries to force society to fit it rather than accept that it is wrong. This must be recognised, rejected and stopped at all costs.

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