Thursday, 21 October 2021

Scientific papers refuting man made climate change

 Not only do believers still use the debunked claim that scientists are 97% agreed man is changing the climate, the BBC just said it was now over 99%. They are lying as here is a list to prove it.

General dismissal  Warming caused by increased energy absorption Warming caused by decreased cloud cover Warming is natural Warming caused by changes in cloud albedo

It seems the media missed this matching set of reports connecting warming with less shade blocking sunlight from the surface.

The medieval warm period was real Physical evidence of the medieval warm period Sea surface temperatures during the medieval warm period Was MWP global (summary)

Also: No warming in southern coral seas

Solar influence on climate (93 papers)

The UN IPCC claim solar changes have very little effect on temperature. They clearly filter what they read.

Climate model uncertainties (summary) 

Natural holocene climate fluctuations Glaciers shrunk more during MWP than present

No Tricks Zone. See index of similar papers

More studies questioning the hockey stick

21 new papers showing current warming is not significant and it was warmer in the Holocene

To come: Papers by name of dissenting scientists.

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