Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Good against evil

 This is not a definitive post. It describes a situation, one we all need to be aware of, and one which the entire world is effected by equally. It also makes no sense to try and understand the motives of the enemy, why they are doing it, but accept they are and do all you can to stop them.

There are two connected levels to this war, the physical we are aware of, and the spiritual. The spiritual side says the result is already certain, as we can't ascend until we beat the evil, and that result has been determined in advance. And we do not know how and when this will happen. Many people with far more faith than me (I have virtually none, only knowledge, which cannot see the future) expected the blatant fraud in the US election, the bottom line figures giving Trump 2 million more votes than when he won, and Biden getting 6 million more votes than Obama when he last won. Counties won by Biden howerever were about 1/10th as many as either. Then you have the hacking of voter machines, Trump votes going to Biden at a 0.7/1.3 ratio, and piles of postal votes which hadn't been folded for postage and had identical crosses and signatures. But the media unanimously tells us there's no evidence of fraud.

I respect those with faith and optimism, but when we lose again they will suffer the results the same as everywhere else. They knew nothing more than I did, but somehow assumed what we did know was enough to win. But no one knows that. So with this battle, one many thought was to save the fall of western society and humanity, lost, we have run out of known battles. The fraud still happened, however well it has been hidden and ignored, and this is now an illegitimate government, but nothing has changed.

Generally it is extremely easy to know evil and our enemies. Originally they claimed to be helping us, like Bernie Madoff, gave loads of money away until everyone else lost theirs. It's about gaining your trust, giving you nice sandwiches, and then hiding a little turd in one. If someone told you there was a turd in it, and even possibly showed you, you'd either ignore them or say it wasn't a turd and carry on eating. This is the hypnotic power evil has. Take it to real life, and the two word shibboleth, that is the word or phrase which exposes someone as your enemy, is climate change. Anyone in authority using this term, and undoubtedly the remaining collection of diversity, systemic racism, multiculturalism, intersectionality, and everything else from Rules for Radicals, wants you dead or enslaved. They see you as useless eaters, who are of no use or interest to them and just expendable losses of their wider plans. That of course is evil.

Then look at the 'solutions' they offer. Energy rationing. Eating insects. Closing roads. Banning private transportation and one family houses. What are they solutions to? Death. They will make our lives a living death. Even prisoners have enough to eat and constant heating, yet if they get their way we will be denied it. For claims the weather may start getting worse in 2050 and the sea may rise 20 inches in 2100. Like we could ever know, and would it matter or be noticed anyway? The gloves however are now off, with the World Economic Forum's announcement of the Great Reset, ultimately the UN Agenda 21/2030, written at Davos, Bilderberg, and all the other anonymous secret meetings involving the same ex-leaders Blair, Gorbachev, Kissinger, and business magnates such as Bill Gates and George Soros. Forget their motives, look at their plans. Divest yourself from the nonsensical idea that adding CO2 to the atmosphere can cause enough warming for some sort of unstable climate, as guess what, the climate is and always will be unstable. And there is no connection between warmer temperatures and extreme events if you look at the records.

Knowledge is power, as is democracy. And if enough people see the simple final battle between the forces of good and our enemy, there are plenty to vote for who will fight this on our behalf, but apart from Trump every single other western country has consistently rejected these offers as they either do not understand the situation or are literally voting in full knowledge for the other side. Most do not understand and they are the souls we need to bring onto our side, as if not they will vote for and with our enemies, and like the millions in Germany, die as a result of their own votes.

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