Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Missing the obvious

 Until I was on social media I didn't actually realise this phenomenon existed. And even more so I never thought I'd be explaining what I assumed was obvious to other people, and then having my explanations rejected. I don't know the details about how and why people have become blinded to reality, but it's real and for me quite terrifying as it means we can be run by lunatics who are voted for by similar lunatics and there aren't enough sane people to stop it. Some examples.

Heat pumps. Costing around 10 times the price of gas boilers, but can't heat water to a safe heat or work properly under about 10C. Yet our government will be forcibly cutting off our gas and leaving us with no other option. The facts are there and very few people care.

Wind turbines. These use coal to make the steel and concrete, use huge amounts of land, and work within about 10-30mph, when they go too fast they are stopped or they will burn out. The power can't be regulated to demand, and when it's producing during low demand the power is wasted. Yet the government paid billions of our taxes to cover the sea and land with these things despite needing constant backup to keep the supply constant. Therefore we only need the backup and can get rid of the wind farms.

Driverless cars. If I have to explain why these will not work I will recommend you to hire one for a day and let me know how it goes.

Changing sex. If you can change your birth certificate if you change genders, you are not changing your gender but your sex, which under current conditions is only possible for a few fish and lizards. Mammals as yet have not managed to switch their genes from XX to XY or reverse, but the activists insists changing gender means changing sex, and men now go to gynaecologists for cervical smears. No, I'm not joking. And the basis for this is mainly 'I feel like a man/woman'. Obvious point two. How do you know what it feels like to be the opposite sex? How do you even know what it feels like to be another person? It's impossible, you can't. You can and will only ever feel like you. Not a man or a woman, but you. If anyone thinks they can prove they can feel like the opposite sex they will get a Nobel Prize.