Satan has two qualities. Firstly you can't be troubled by him (it is actually a force, ruling people) unless you invite him in. Of course you won't do this if you know who it is, so he has to gain your trust until you think he is your friend, then you are virtually selling your soul to the devil. It is consent, but the second quality is that it is false consent, as totally based on deception.
Therefore, once you have accepted Satan it is not because you are aware of it, quite the reverse. You believe they are helping you, and any suffering is to avoid a worse fate. Once you realise it is Satan you automatically reject him.
This is the simple formula. My lesson here is how to recognise him, so you can as an individual reject him. You will probably not be capable of persuading anyone else to do so as it is a very hard spell to break, but you can share the signs so at least they know what they are looking for,
The first, and greatest, is the problem/reaction/solution formula. Lock you down to protect from a virus. Wear masks outdoors even though you may not go near enough to pass it on to anyone, and it's almost impossible to spread in open air.
Stop your heating and travel, and restrict your diet to 'stop the earth warming'. Even if this was actually happening history knows it will only be an improvement, and happen over such a long period generations will have more than enough time to adapt. But Satan catches you in his heart and not your head, as fear is based in the lower brain which reacts like an animal and is incapable of thinking. It is why rational parents keep their daughters in while others are free to roam, as they fear they will be attacked, but at the same time accept their friends are safe to do so.
It is not even subtle. In fact it is becoming more and more open and obvious. Muslims no longer fight 'Zionists' but Jews. The UN admit the climate policies are only to bring about a world economic distribution. Climate scientists admit they can't model or even measure most climate parameters, so they simply produce the data they are asked for and alter the equations and measurements to fit them. Nowadays the clues are on ten foot high pedestals with lights flashing on them, but the missing link is the media, as hypnotised minds only listen to sources they trust, and in most cases this is the 'trusted' media sources like the BBC and established newspapers, who of course publish nothing to detach our thinking from Satan as they are run by the same force.
I guarantee if the BBC put a single known situation on the main news, by the next day whatever it had been supporting previously before it was released would collapse. If they exposed the algorithm all main temperature sensing organisations use which creates nearly all modern warming then people would all feel cheated and never fall for that scam again, and probably many more as once your eyes are open they rarely close again. You have been awakened, red pilled, and it is now virtually impossible to fool you again as there is a formula and it is extremely narrow and limited.
This is all you need to know, if even 30% of people wake up it will be impossible to maintain any illusions any longer, as, to use a current phrase, there will be a herd immunity of the minds. Satan will fall.