Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Scientists who disagree with man-made climate change

We are (wrongly) told there is a 97% consensus that scientists agree on man-made climate change. Wikipedia had a list until recently which was removed, so I have had to begin to rebuild it here with no access to their original site. I will conclude with some of their studies. Bear in mind they are equally as qualified as every other scientist in the mainstream, many with PhDs..

Ferenc Miskolczi, Sallie Baliunas, Willie Soon, Joe Bastardi, Joseph D'Aleo, Roy Spencer, Ian Plimer, Piers Corbyn, Judith Curry, Nils-Axel Morner, Indur Goklany, Martin Agerup, Nir Shaviv, William Gray, Syun-Ichi Akafosu, Tim Ball, Richard Lindzen, Jennifer Marohasy, Robert Carter, Scott Armstrong, Joanne Nova, Patrick Michaels, Matt Ridley, Stewart Franks, Christopher Essex, Kesten Green, Miklos Zagoni, Gordon Fulks, Anastonios Tonis, Rameshwar Bali, Qing-Bin Lu, David Evans, Fritz Vahrenholt, Nic Lewis, Norman Page, Ole Humlum, Oliver Frauenfeld, Michael Beenstock, Charles Wax, Dennis Hollars, Joseph Postma, Myron Evans, Yury Izrael, David Douglass, Michael Economides, David Legates, David Archibald, Paul Berenson, Tom Segalstad, Philip Lloyd, Oleg Sorokhtin, David Stockwell, Theodore Pavlopoulos, Geoffrey Duffy, Vincent Gray, Richard Keen, Robert Austin, William Vaughan, Dave Middleton, Stephen McIntyre, Eigils Friis-Christensen, Freeman Dyson, Habibullo Abdussamatov, Claude Allegre, Zbigniew Jaworoski, Antonino Zichichi, Christopher Landsea, Hendrik Tennekes, Sami Solanki, Paul Reiter, Kiminori Itoh, David Bromwich, Edward Wegman, Joanne Simpson, William Happer, Peter Ridd.

78 so far.